
baby's back!!!!

...and I am too, but normally people want to hear about MM far sooner than me, guess it's part of the glorious territory of having kids :)

I have SO much to say about my African and European adventures whilst prego and will be doing so with lots of future blog posts but for now here are some possible post titles to keep you interested:

"My Trip to the Arab-Speaking-Only OBGYN"
"Yes it's a Girl, and no it's not a shame"
"First Class, thank you"
"I thought barfing was done with..."
"Yes, I'm married. I know. Go Figure."
"4 Countries, 3rd Trimester"

And just in case you're not counting,
did anyone else realize that MM is due in 60 DAYS!?!?!
Because I JUST did, and it's freaking me out!
(In a good way)

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