How far along: 10 weeks
Total weight gain: 0lbs (now I actually know because I was weighed at my doctor's appointment this week, but it's still technically a guess since I don't know my exact weight before pregnancy...)
How big is baby: a prune
Maternity Clothes: I wear yoga pants almost always, especially since I've been so sick, but still can fit into some of my normal pants. Other pairs are too tight now though, so I do wear my maternity jegging jeans.
Sleep: A good sign that the 1st trimester is ending and the 2nd is beginning! I'm still tired, but now have a healthy dose of Preg-Somnia. Which I got with my first two pregnancies too, starting in the 2nd trimester. Basically it's hard to sleep now! And hard to nap even (for me this is inconceivable!). Even with being sick the last week, I've stayed up until 11 or later almost every night and had a hard time napping.
Best moment this week: hearing baby's heartbeat, which was no casual affair. Read about it here.
Movement: too early.
Food cravings: ...are back! I'm no longer hating every edible thing in sight which is so nice. But my energy levels are still low so I'm not as enthusiastic in the kitchen as usual. Lately I'm craving fresh things - fruit juices, grapefruit especially. And for the first time in ALL of my pregnancies I was craving pickles this week. So cliche. But all I want is the crunchy dills! (sadly this craving is still just that, 'cause we don't have any in the house). Also have been very vocal about my desire to be eating waffles at any time of day, so my dear hubs surprised me and ordered me a Cuisinart Waffle Maker! LOVE HIM. It arrives Saturday.
Food aversions: Still red meats, though I've had veal meatballs without trouble. I still can't bring myself to cook a roast or want Brad to grill steak though. In all, I'm generally very vegetarian when I'm pregnant because of aversions to meat, chicken, etc.
Gender: Ok so get this. I realized today that this pregnancy I've had MUCH more nausea/vomiting than my pregnancy with Oli, but that it's right on par with my pregnancy with Lily. So of course, now I think we're having a girl :) But I'm in that awesome place where I truly don't care, so it doesn't matter!
Labor signs: too early.
Belly button in or out: hovering...
What I miss: energy to play and go out with the kids. The weather has been cold and bad generally, so I comfort myself with the fact that I may not be out and about even if I had the energy based on that, but it's still hard. Oh, and gin and tonics.
What I'm not loving: I've been terribly sick with a sinus cold this week, and a rough cough that gets so bad that it causes vomiting (probably because I already have dull nausea, so it's not hard to get the gag reflex, but still...)
What I’m looking forward to: finding out the sex, nausea to end (if it's like my first two pregnancies, I only have 2 more weeks to go!), starting to nest, and a few other things I'll share on my on the blog soon!
What I'm loving: Lily saying all the live long day "baby mommy's tummy". ADORBS.
Milestone(s): We heart the heartbeat! Baby is healthy and measuring accurately for a mid-September arrival.

I see we are both craving waffles! Here's my fave recipe (but I make mine gluten-free). I'm sure they can be adapted to being lactose-free without much trouble.
I would absolutely be missing the gin and tonics as well :)