{August 20th | 1:45am | 22 inches long | 7lbs 12 oz}
This flower and name are so dear to me.
My grandfather "Pa" always named the four of us, his granddaughters, his "flowers". He chose flowers that corresponded with our names and would take us to the Royal Botanical Gardens on "Pa Dates" when we were little and show us which flower was ours.
We were Lisa Lupin, Maggie Marigold, Sarah Sunflower, and Emily Lily.
Pa passed away in 2003 and lilies have become even more important to me - helping me remember him and how much he loved his family. How he would have loved to have met Lily.
My mom's name is Catherine and since the beginning of my journey into motherhood I've always said, I so admire how my mom raised Lisa and I and I am so proud to follow in her footsteps.
She was my age when she had Lisa, her first, a beautiful girl, and now I have my Lily, just like my mom, Catherine.
Brad was in charge of choosing the middle name for Lily and he loved the idea of naming our daughters after their grandmas, so our next daughter (Lord willing we'll have lots more!) will have the middle name Rose, after Brad's mom :)
This marks the end of the Baby Bump (for now!) and the beginning of our life with a daughter. Thanks for journeying with me from the very beginning when Lily was just a thought and a prayer.
Find us Morrices, especially the newest member, @
Bienvenue, Lily!